Looking for a better place to develop your career?

Angela Peace and Love Company Limited is your solution.

We are looking for individuals with positive attitudes who are talented, creative, and innovative, who have the desire to succeed and the willingness to exercise the discipline required to succeed, and who are willing to go the extra mile for their future, our customers, and our company.

Our company is not simply a place of work but also a place where the material and spiritual well-being of all employees are well developed. For this reason, while we are pursuing economic income stability and prosperity, we also pursue the pride of work, the meaning of labor, and the meaning of life, which is to pursue the spiritual prosperity of people. If your ambition matches ours, submit your application for a great career opportunity with us.


  1. Job opportunities are posted on our digital platforms.
  2. Interested candidates must submit their cover letter, CV, and copies of relevant certificates to career@beautygroup.co.tz
  3. The shortlisted candidates are contacted for an interview.
  4. Candidates who pass the interview go through training for a specified period.
  5. Finally, trainees with outstanding performance are given an employment contract.